Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Rules for Nine Man Morris

By THLaird Colyne Stewart, Head of the Games Guild of Ealdormere

There are two players, white and black. The white player plays first. There are 9 pieces per player.

To begin, the players take turns placing pieces on empty spaces. If they should get three pieces in a straight line (not around a corner), they may remove one of their opponent’s pieces of their choice. Note that any piece currently part of a line cannot be removed.

Once all pieces have been placed, the white player must move a piece to an adjacent empty space. If this completes a line of three of their pieces, they may remove one of their opponent’s pieces of their choice. Note that any piece currently part of a line cannot be removed.

When a player has been reduced to three pieces, they can ‘fly’, meaning they can move a piece to any empty space whether it was adjacent to their starting space or not.

Play continues until one player has been reduced to only two pieces. The other player wins. The game is also over if one of the players cannot make a move, in which case the other player wins.

You can practice online here: http://www.smartlittlegames.com/ninemensmorris

[Board image from Wikipedia.]