Alquerque: Rules and variants.
The Alquerque Family: Related games.
Alquerques: This page is under construction.
Ball Games
Boules and Bocce: Roll da ball!
Bowls: Article on different bowling games.
Croquet and Cousins: Croquet and related games.
Filling the Time in the Elizabethan Era: Games and pastimes for the idle rich.
Football: It's period! (Under the name Gameball.)
The Game of Culf: An ancestor of golf.
History of Billiards: It's older than you may think.
Kingibats: This may or may not have existed in period.
Marbles: A page about, well...marbles.
Some 17th Century Games: Rules for three games.
Tennis: Another self-obvious page.
Board Games (various)
Dogs and Jackals: An Egyptian game.
Go: A very popular board game.
Goose: More often called, The Game of the Goose.
Lilith's Tablero Page: Likely the most popular game in the SCA.
Making Board Games the Easy Way: Make yer own board.
Mancala: An Ancient game played with seeds.
The Game of Merels: Or Nine-Man-Morris.
Nine-Mens-Morris: Rules.
Nyout: Third Century Korean game.
Online Games: Play Morris, Hnefatafl and Go-Muku online.
Rithmomachy: A game for the incredibly brainy.
Roman Board Games: Rules for eight different games.
The Royal Game of Ur: A Mesopotamian game.
The Game of Senet: An Egyptian race game.
Shove Groat: A Viking game.
Tablero de Jesus: A 15th Century Spanish game (or so they think).
Tablero de Jesus: More on Tablero.
Tablero Rule Book: Even more on this game.
Alphabetical Index of Card Games: Including some period games.
A Brief History of Playing Cards: As the title says...
Card Games Web Site: Lots of information on card games, listed by name, game mechanics and region.
Elizabethan Card Games: Rules for Maw, Thirty & One, Bone-ace and Ruff and Honours.
Etienne de Vignolles, dit La Hire: A card depicting LA Hire, the French Knight who invented Piquet.
Landsknecht: For two or more players.
Playing the Royal and Delightful Game of Piquet: How to play the game also known as Cent.
Primero: A Renaissance game.
Primero: More on Primero.
The Chess Family: Related games.
Children's Games
Hopscotch: History, rules and variants.
Running Games: Four games.
Tag Games: Twelve games.
Let the Dice Roll: An article on medieval dice.
Glückhaus: An easy dice game, but a board or cards are needed as well.
Gluckshaus: A variant and more familiar version of Glückhaus.
Hazard: Dice game.
Hazard and Craps: Dice games.
Physical Games
Glima: Viking wrestling.
Kubb: A Swedish throwing game.
Ard-Ri: Scottish tafl.
Gwyddbwyll: Welsh tafl.
The History of Tabula Letum: Regional variations of tafl.
Hnefatafl: A treatise on tafl, in German but the pictures are still handy.
Hnefatafl: Another German page.
Hnefatafl: Yet another German page.
Hnefatafl: Play various versions online.
Hnefatafl - The Strategic Board Game of the Vikings: A very long and informative article with rules for different variants.
Hnefatafl - The Viking Game: Another excellent article with rules for related games.
Tablut: Play online.
The Tafl Family: A short article on Tafl and its descendents.
Viking Game: History of the game.
Tile Games
Dominoes: Rules and history.
Teething Toys: Article from Stefan's Florilegium.
Toys Excavated from a Carmelite Friary: Short article.
Toy Dolls: Article from Stefan's Florilegium.
Toys in the Middle Ages: Article from Stefan's Florilegium.
Toys: Article from Stefan's Florilegium.
Alphonso X Book of Games: An online medieval text regarding games.
An Tir: In An Tir they have an A&S officer called the game master. Here is their A&S listing, and here is their badge.
Atlantia's A&S Links: For toys, games and more.
Baron Modar's Medieval Games: Rules and links.
Elliott Avendon Museum and Archive of Games: Much information on games, hosted by the University of Waterloo .
Entertainment Index: From Stefan's Florilegium.
Extracts from "The Compleat Gamester" by Charles Cotton (1674): Extracts from a book of games rules, including sports.
Game Cabinet: An online magazine about games.
Games of the Viking and Anglo-Saxon Age: Games and riddles.
Games of the Vikings: What did they do, other than rape, pillage and plunder?
Here, Have another Beer and go Play: Miscellaneous game links.
The International Society for Board Game Studies: An online resource for board game enthusiasts.
MacGregor Historical Games: Purveyor of many Medieval games.
Medieval Entertainment: Many links, including SCA entertainments.
Medieval Games: Rules for various games, maintained by Baron Modar.
Medieval and Renaissance Games Home Page: Mucho big page of info.
The Online Guide to Traditional Games: With rules for many board, table, pub and lawn games.
P. S. Neeley Shareware: Play medieval and ancient games on your computer.
Pastimes of the Viking and Anglo-Saxon Age: Sports, games and more.
Period Games: Links.
Rules for Medieval Games: Rules for many different games.
Stefan's Florilegium: The entertainment articles.
That's Entertainment 1500-1700: Sports and pastimes.
Tournaments Illuminated: The Games index.